Monday, November 16, 2009

i used all the pictures to see which one would seem like the best wall paper and chose to use the last picture as it showd the FOM building much more than all the other pictures. i had another picture which i wanted to use with the FOM one,

i chose this picture because it has soo much coulor and i wanted my wall paper to be like that. The first step i took was i copied and pasted the FOM picture onto this picture on top. I put in effects to blend in the two pictures together, i played with different effects like satin,hue,saturation, bevel and emboss untill i came up with the perfect colour blending which i wanted.
I used the smudge tool to blend in the parts of the picture which i felt needed a bit more smoothening, then after which i tytped the letters MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY ,i used the CALLIBRI font at a size of 72 and bold to make it pop out and i also put in a few effects on the letters as well, i added a drop shadow to the letters and also tried out different other effects like bevel and emboss,satin untill i found just the right combination i wanted,i also made a gradient overlay to give the letters their multi coloured diversity.
The i typed the words FOM OPEN DAY with the callibri font at 60 points and also did the same kind off  effects as of the other letters(multimedia university) and i also added strokes to the words.
i used the rubber to rub off any parts which where overlaying or not very good.
Below is the final wall paper..

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